Radiography & Imaging Technology (RIT)

Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technology to diagnose, monitor and treat various diseases and disorders in the human body.

B.Sc Radiography and Imaging Technology is a 3 year undergraduate course pursued by students interested in the medical field.This course provides in-depth knowledge of radiography and involves various methods of taking pictures of internal body parts/organs for clinical examination and diagnostic purposes.

This programme is meticulously structured to impart insight of imaging methodologies and principles.We prepare students to work collaboratively,evaluate data, interpret results,thinks vitally,draw logical conclusions and make composite decisions.The need for educated and professional radiology technologists in hospitals and clinics are increasing continuously.

The field of radiology will shoe higher than average job growth into the future.After completing the degree the students may become radiologist,radiology technologist,radiographer, ultra sound technician,diagnostic medical sonographer,MRI technician,CT scan technologists.The curriculum has been designed to meet the growing needs of professionals in the field of clinical radiography,radiation safety,imaging processing technology,imaging modalities.


Radiography & Imaging Technology (RIT)
Course Information
  • Credit: 6
  • Room: HG209
  • Days: MWF
  • Timings: 10-15am - 11-00am

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